10 tricks to save electricity at home

If you save energy at home you will be contributing to the preservation of the environment

Every month we suffer one of the biggest annoyances for our pocket: the electricity bill. And more, with the latest price increases. In fact, it is estimated that in the last two decades, the cost of electrical energy has increased by more than 90%, and it does not seem that this trend will change.

As soon as we see the electricity bill, we all think: "I have to save electricity whatever it takes." And it is no longer just because clean up our domestic economy, but to help the environment, since the production of this impacts (and a lot) on it. Therefore, within our policies Planet First, we want to share with you 10 tricks to save electricity at home. In DIVAIN we have already done them, and we have noticed the change!

Habits and tricks for saving electricity

Energy expenditure list

The first step to be able to carry out the saving of electrical energy is to be fully aware of what we spend. To do this, it is best to make a list of electricity costs in which to capture all sources of light consumption, starting with the most (such as heating or air conditioning) and ending with the least (small appliances). Once identified, you will be able to undertake a reduction in use that suits you.

Reduce the number of bulbs and switch to LEDs

Although we are not aware, we usually have more bulbs than we need. Therefore, it is important to make a count and adjust them to the maximum so as not to incur unnecessary expenses. And it is that the light tends to overlap, so when we have several bulbs in the same space, if we remove one it is very likely that we will not notice a great loss of light. Try to remove one and if you see that it does not affect too much, consider removing it permanently or putting another much less powerful bulb.

What we also recommend is that you introduce LED bulbs in your life. Why? Well, very simple:

  • They are much more ecological, since they consume between 70 and 80% less than incandescent bulbs and 30% less than fluorescent bulbs.
  • They have a longer shelf life.
  • They are more resistant.

Hiring the adequate power and using the electrical appliances well is vital to save energy

Keep an eye on your appliances

As a general rule, the appliances that spend the most are those in the kitchens. Refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dishwashers machines account for almost 60% of the cost of all appliances in a home.

So you can already imagine the importance of using them correctly:

  • The fridge and freezer consume the most, and they do so even more when the doors are open. It opens and closes quickly to avoid high consumption. A curious fact: they consume more the emptier they are, since food that is already cold or frozen helps to keep the temperature low.
  • As for the iron, it is good that you accumulate a good amount of clothes and take advantage of ironing everything in one go, otherwise, you will multiply the electricity consumption. Another trick: start with the clothes that require the least heat and save the ones that need the most for last.

In addition, it is also recommended that if you have to buy a new appliance, invest a little more and get a model that includes low consumption mode and has greater energy efficiency. Models A, A +, A ++; they consume 55% less energy on average. They are more expensive, but in the long run it is worth it, and a lot.

Stand-by is the worst enemy of saving electricity

Another great trick to save energy is to disconnect electronic devices once we stop using them. And it is that when we turn them off, we are not doing it completely, they remain on stand-by. Yes, stand-by, that little red or blue light that stays on once we have turned off.

In theory, the devices stay in this mode to update or to start faster the next time they are turned on, but this entails a disguised energy expenditure: the stand-by consumes electricity, nothing more and nothing less than between 8 and 1 10% of total consumption.

So, that said, it's time to unplug everything! As doing it manually can be a bit tedious, we recommend that you connect several devices to the same power strip and simply disconnect the switches from the ones that you will not use for a while.

Use the economy or low consumption mode whenever you can

Many household appliances and electronic devices, such as the computer, the mobile phone or the washing machine, have saving or low consumption modes that are very efficient so as not to waste so much energy.

Regulates the temperature of the heating and air conditioning

Being at home with short sleeves in winter and a cardigan in summer is a real nonsense. Regulates the temperature to avoid incurring totally unnecessary energy costs.

The importance of this regulation is incredible since increasing the heating temperature by just one degree can lead to an increase in energy consumption of 7%!

In winter it is advisable to maintain a room temperature between 19 and 21 degrees during the day and between 15 and 17 degrees at night; while in summer, the ambient temperature should not be lower than 24 or 25 degrees.

Adapt your customs

If you adapt your hours of use of appliances to the hours of low consumption as far as possible, you will see a slight decrease in spending on your electricity bill.

Most of the rates have the lowest prices on the weekend. Then take the opportunity to do the washing machines of the week, iron ...

The nightly rate is also considerably cheaper, although it does not adapt well to the daily routine of most people. If you have a shift job or you are a night being, think about hiring the night rate because you will notice it.

Change the contracted power to save money

In the electricity bill, consumption is only part of what you pay, since a large part corresponds to taxes and the contracted power, which you have to pay even if you do not consume anything. The contracted power indicates the electricity that we can consume at the same time. And this represents an average of almost 50% of the total bill!

So to save, it is very important to be fully aware of what we normally consume in order to be able to hire what is just and necessary (although we always recommend that you add a small margin in case something unforeseen arises).

Insulate your home well from the outside

It is estimated that nothing more and nothing less than 25% of the heat in the home is lost through the windows and the cracks in the doors. Therein lies the importance of checking all the leakage points well to be able to put insulators (in the cracks the most effective thing is to put weatherstripping) or even change doors or windows if these leaks are irreparable.

Electricity consumption monitor

Finally, we recommend that you get an electricity consumption monitor. These devices are connected to the electrical circuit and carry out a total monitoring of consumption, in order to identify the parameters in which a greater expenditure is being made. This will make it easier for you to identify where you can save electricity in your home.

Why is it important to save energy?

Electric energy is produced through generating plants such as thermoelectric or hydroelectric ones; and these produce a great environmental impact, since natural resources are massively consumed and the ecosystem is destroyed. In addition, in the case of thermoelectric plants, fossil fuels are burned, which generate greenhouse gas emissions that seriously damage the environment.

Thus, the more energy we save, the less we consume, with the consequent benefit for the environment. You know, Planet First!