DIVAIN Planet First: our commitment to the environment

Few universal truths are as absolute as that the Earth is our home and we must take care of it. And it is not something that we can leave for the future, no, because there is no Planet B. Every little action we do to preserve and take care of our planet counts, and more than we think.

At DIVAIN we not only love good scents, we also love the Earth, a lot. For this reason, we have made a series of #PlanetFirst commitments that are aimed at caring for and preserving the environment. Today we want to present them to you, so that if you want to contribute your bit but don't know how, they will inspire you and encourage you to carry them out in your environment (hopefully).

What is Planet First?

Planet First is an initiative that aims to promote a healthier life on a healthier planet, through caring for the environment and promoting sustainable development and responsible consumption.

Planet First strives to achieve a better world, for the well-being of all living beings that currently inhabit the Earth and that of future generations to come.

There is no planet B, so you have to take care of the Earth and every little detail counts

DIVAIN's commitments to the environment 

At DIVAIN we firmly believe that we are on time. We can reverse climate change, we can live in a healthier and more sustainable world, and ultimately, happier. For this reason, our activity is linked to a series of commitments, aligned with the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, which we fulfill every day.

Here are some of them, but do not think that we are going to stay here, because not at all! We want to contribute even more, so if you are curious to see what eco-friendly ideas we have in mind, take a look at our postulates #PlanetFirst.

Our DIVAINs are vegan and Cruelty Free

Protecting the environment does not only mean taking care of the flora, but also the fauna that inhabits the planet. For this reason, our perfumes are never tested on animals and more than 99% of our catalog is made up of perfumes that have absolutely no components of animal origin.

Our packaging is sustainable

Last year we decided to give our DIVAIN packaging a spin, not only to make them more aesthetically beautiful (which is also because you deserve the best) but to make them 100% sustainable and respectful with the environment. 

Thus, we changed the plastic cap (enemy number 1 of biodiversity) for one made of wood from ecological forests in which the wood is extracted in a sustainable way; and we also changed the cardboard of our packaging for one made of 100% recycled cardboard.


In addition to having 100% recycled and recyclable packaging, recycling is the daily goal at DIVAIN. We collaborate with waste management companies so that the impact of our activity is as low as possible and does not harm the environment.

We reduce our carbon footprint

Although unfortunately the carbon footprint that we generate cannot be zero, we are strongly committed to reducing it more and more. For this reason, almost 100% of our shipments are made by land transport, avoiding air and sea transport, which are the most polluting.

In addition, we have adapted the shifts and methodology of our production to reduce transfers to work centers.

Behind each DIVAIN there is a team of passionate and committed people with the sustainability and preservation of our home. And you, do you join our cause #PlanetFirst?


If you don't know where to start, don't be overwhelmed! Little by little, step by step. The really important thing is to start and be constant. For example, you can incorporate actions like these into your day-to-day life.

 If we all do our bit, we will achieve a much better world.