What is aromatherapy and what are its benefits?

Aromatherapy is a therapeutic discipline based on enveloping us in a pleasant feeling of harmony and happiness in order to strengthen us mentally and awaken the inner energy necessary for healing.
If you want to opt for an alternative to traditional spas or massage centres, you may be interested in this type of natural treatment that has so many benefits for mental and physical health. Below, we tell you in more detail what aromatherapy is, what it consists of and what its benefits are.
What is aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses the aromatic oils of various plants, woods and flowers from nature to help cure or reduce the symptoms of certain diseases or health problems such as anxiety or depression. It mainly consists of promoting relaxation through the aroma given off by essential oils, which have a direct effect on the mind and body.
Several scientific studies have demonstrated the power of essential oils to change the perception of pain, reduce anxiety levels or alleviate physical and mental discomfort. This is why more and more countries, such as Japan and the USA, are introducing this technique in different areas of life, such as in hospitals to help patients improve their mood or in offices to create a more pleasant working environment.
This therapy also focuses on the sense of smell, as the area of the brain associated with this sense is the same area where memory is located. Hence the famous term known as "olfactory memory" which we talked about in more depth in the post. That is why people respond to smells in an emotional way much better than with other senses. Sometimes a smell is the best way to awaken memories we thought we had forgotten.
Benefits of aromatherapy
For anxiety and stress: thanks to the relaxing properties of aromatic oils from plants and flowers, aromatherapy is very popular for its ability to combat anxiety and depression.
Aromatherapy for sleep: this is also a technique that will help you combat insomnia and help you fall asleep.
Gastrointestinal discomfort: helps regulate intestinal flora.
Respiratory infections and other diseases: Aromatherapy is also used as a complement to medicine to treat and relieve the symptoms of some diseases or health problems such as bronchitis, arthritis, colds, dermatitis, skin eczema, cramps, circulatory problems or even hangovers.
Improves quality of life: Aromatherapy is a technique that everyone can put into practice, as it promotes relaxation and envelops you in a feeling of complete peace of mind. It helps to improve concentration, to get in touch with your "inner self" and generally to improve the quality of your life.
How is this treatment applied?
There are different ways to apply this treatment and enjoy all its benefits and properties. The two most popular are these:
Air or respiratory route: the best technique for direct inhalation is to boil water together with pure essential oils, so that the aroma concentrated in the water vapour is inhaled through the respiratory system.
Through the skin: it is also very common for essential oils to be absorbed through the skin, as the aromatic molecules quickly reach the circulatory system through the skin. For proper absorption, it is best to massage the area to which they are applied. Creams, bath salts or essential oils diluted in other vegetable oils can be used for this purpose. You can also try an aromatic bath with aromatic essences for a feeling of full relaxation and well-being.
Oils used in aromatherapy
Essential oils from plants and flowers are the undisputed protagonists of aromatherapy. Already in ancient times, in civilisations such as China and Egypt, they were used to embalm bodies in funeral rituals or for other medicinal purposes. On the other hand, in medieval and renaissance times it was also very common for doctors to use them to combat the symptoms of certain illnesses thanks to their properties.
As for which oils are the most commonly used in aromatherapy. Lavender, rosemary, ylang ylang, tea tree or bergamot oil are some of the most popular oils used in this technique thanks to their multiple properties. Depending on the oils used, aromatherapy will have different health benefits. By the way! We recommend you take a look at our post on the best essential oils for perfumes with very pleasant and exquisite aromas.
As you can see, aromatherapy is a natural technique full of benefits that will undoubtedly improve your life. If you haven't tried it yet, what are you waiting for?