Blog divain.

Few universal truths are as absolute as that the Earth is our home and we must take care of it. And it is not something that we can leave for the future, no, because there is no Planet B. Every little action we do to preserve and take care of our planet counts, and more than we think. At DIVAIN we not only love good scents, we also love the Earth, a lot. For this reason, we have made a series of #PlanetFirst commitments that are aimed at caring for and preserving the environment. Today we want to present them to you, so that if you want to contribute your bit but don't know how, they will inspire you and encourage you to carry them out in your environment (hopefully). What is Planet First? Planet First is an initiative that aims to promote a healthier life on a healthier planet, through caring for the environment and promoting sustainable development and responsible consumption. Planet First strives to achieve a better world, for the well-being of all living beings that currently inhabit the Earth and that of future generations to come. DIVAIN's commitments to the environment At DIVAIN we firmly believe that we are on time. We can reverse climate change, we can live in a healthier and more sustainable world, and ultimately, happier. For this reason, our activity is linked to a series of commitments, aligned with the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, which we fulfill every day. Here are some of them, but do not think that we are going to stay here, because not at all! We want to contribute even more, so if you are curious to see what eco-friendly ideas we have in mind, take a look at our postulates #PlanetFirst. Our DIVAINs are vegan and Cruelty Free Protecting the environment does not only mean taking care of the flora, but also the fauna that inhabits the planet. For this reason, our perfumes are never tested on animals and more than 99% of our catalog is made up of perfumes that have absolutely no components of animal origin. Our packaging is sustainable Last year we decided to give our DIVAIN packaging a spin, not only to make them more aesthetically beautiful (which is also because you deserve the best) but to make them 100% sustainable and respectful with the environment. Thus, we changed the plastic cap (enemy number 1 of biodiversity) for one made of wood from ecological forests in which the wood is extracted in a sustainable way; and we also changed the cardboard of our packaging for one made of 100% recycled cardboard. Recycling In addition to having 100% recycled and recyclable packaging, recycling is the daily goal at DIVAIN. We collaborate with waste management companies so that the impact of our activity is as low as possible and does not harm the environment. We reduce our carbon footprint Although unfortunately the carbon footprint that we generate cannot be zero, we are strongly committed to reducing it more and more. For this reason, almost 100% of our shipments are made by land transport, avoiding air and sea transport, which are the most polluting. In addition, we have adapted the shifts and methodology of our production to reduce transfers to work centers. Behind each DIVAIN there is a team of passionate and committed people with the sustainability and preservation of our home. And you, do you join our cause #PlanetFirst? If you don't know where to start, don't be overwhelmed! Little by little, step by step. The really important thing is to start and be constant. For example, you can incorporate actions like these into your day-to-day life. If we all do our bit, we will achieve a much better world.
DIVAIN Planet First: our commitment to the environment
Few universal truths are as absolute as that the Earth is our home and we must take care of it. And it is not something that we can leave for the future, no, because there is no Planet B. Every little action we do to preserve and take care of our planet counts, and more than we think. At DIVAIN we not only love good scents, we also love the Earth, a lot. For this reason, we have made a series of #PlanetFirst commitments that are aimed at caring for and preserving the environment. Today we want to present them to you, so that if you want to contribute your bit but don't know how, they will inspire you and encourage you to carry them out in your environment (hopefully). What is Planet First? Planet First is an initiative that aims to promote a healthier life on a healthier planet, through caring for the environment and promoting sustainable development and responsible consumption. Planet First strives to achieve a better world, for the well-being of all living beings that currently inhabit the Earth and that of future generations to come. DIVAIN's commitments to the environment At DIVAIN we firmly believe that we are on time. We can reverse climate change, we can live in a healthier and more sustainable world, and ultimately, happier. For this reason, our activity is linked to a series of commitments, aligned with the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, which we fulfill every day. Here are some of them, but do not think that we are going to stay here, because not at all! We want to contribute even more, so if you are curious to see what eco-friendly ideas we have in mind, take a look at our postulates #PlanetFirst. Our DIVAINs are vegan and Cruelty Free Protecting the environment does not only mean taking care of the flora, but also the fauna that inhabits the planet. For this reason, our perfumes are never tested on animals and more than 99% of our catalog is made up of perfumes that have absolutely no components of animal origin. Our packaging is sustainable Last year we decided to give our DIVAIN packaging a spin, not only to make them more aesthetically beautiful (which is also because you deserve the best) but to make them 100% sustainable and respectful with the environment. Thus, we changed the plastic cap (enemy number 1 of biodiversity) for one made of wood from ecological forests in which the wood is extracted in a sustainable way; and we also changed the cardboard of our packaging for one made of 100% recycled cardboard. Recycling In addition to having 100% recycled and recyclable packaging, recycling is the daily goal at DIVAIN. We collaborate with waste management companies so that the impact of our activity is as low as possible and does not harm the environment. We reduce our carbon footprint Although unfortunately the carbon footprint that we generate cannot be zero, we are strongly committed to reducing it more and more. For this reason, almost 100% of our shipments are made by land transport, avoiding air and sea transport, which are the most polluting. In addition, we have adapted the shifts and methodology of our production to reduce transfers to work centers. Behind each DIVAIN there is a team of passionate and committed people with the sustainability and preservation of our home. And you, do you join our cause #PlanetFirst? If you don't know where to start, don't be overwhelmed! Little by little, step by step. The really important thing is to start and be constant. For example, you can incorporate actions like these into your day-to-day life. If we all do our bit, we will achieve a much better world.
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If the 21st century has brought us something good, it is that there is increasing awareness of the need to protect the ecosystem. With the amount of technological advances that exist today, and since the world of cosmetics is not alien to them, there is no room for brands to use animals for experimentation with their products. Don't you think?
Are perfumes cruelty free?
If the 21st century has brought us something good, it is that there is increasing awareness of the need to protect the ecosystem. With the amount of technological advances that exist today, and since the world of cosmetics is not alien to them, there is no room for brands to use animals for experimentation with their products. Don't you think?
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The Earth is our home and we have to take care of it and preserve it so that it continues to be so.This important task cannot be done only by a few, but we all have to collaborate and contribute our grain of sand as much as possible. And we say as much as possible because it is clear that not everyone can perform incredible actions that have an immediate and tremendous impact. But what we can do is commit ourselves to carrying out a series of small habits that, little by little, will end up changing the world. And it is already known, a small gesture does not do long, but many little ones become the engine of change and end up generating a great impact. At DIVAIN. We are part of this change and we want to encourage you to join us too, so today we present a series of keys so that you know how to take care of the environment in your day-to-day life. Recycle We couldn't start without naming the most basic and essential action of all: recycling. And we say that it is the most basic and essential because thanks to it we give a second life to the planet's resources, which are limited, no, very limited! There are no excuses not to recycle. There are more and more containers in cities and towns and we can all find a space at home to put two or three bags in which to throw the different waste. But ... are you sure how to separate them? In the striking yellow container you have to deposit all the plastic containers, the cans, the bricks, and the aluminum foil! This is one of the big flaws, since it is usually thrown in the organic container but it has to go in the plastic one. Of course, try not to contain food scraps. The green container in the shape of an igloo is intended for all types of glass containers. That is, it is in this where you will have to throw the bottles of your DIVAIN once the perfume is gone. In the blue container you have to deposit the paper and cardboard containers (such as the box in which we send your DIVAINs home and the one that carries the bottle itself). And finally, the dilemma of organic remains. Here we are presented with two cases. If in your place of residence you have brown containers, we say if you have because they are relatively new) in them you will have to deposit all the organic waste that can be used to make compost (remains of vegetables and fruits, cooked meat, fish and seafood, pasta and rice, egg shells, coffee and tea grounds, tea bags, bread, chopsticks, herbs and plants, used napkins and kitchen paper…); and in the green of all life, everything else. If not, all organic and inorganic waste has to go green. Goodbye plastic! Plastic is the number 1 enemy of biodiversity. It is one of the materials that takes the longest to degrade, so it accumulates, damaging the environment and the species that live in it. And we are not exaggerating one bit: a plastic bag takes 150 years to disappear and a bottle made of PET (the type of plastic most used to make packaging and textiles) can take up to a thousand years to degrade. Hence the importance of using as little plastic as possible, and, if we have to use it, recycle or reuse it. These are some ideas to reduce your plastic consumption: Use reusable bags and utensils Nothing to use single-use plastic cups and plates or of course bags (we have already seen how long they take to decompose). Whenever you go shopping, carry a cloth bag or a reusable one. The less demand for plastic bags there is, the less they will be manufactured, and therefore less danger to the environment. In addition, in recent years, the countries adhered to the International Environmental Treaties have established regulations and laws that regulate the use of plastic bags and supermarkets are obliged to collect them from their customers. Buy in bulk This is one of the simplest gestures but that most help to preserve the sustainability of the environment. Take your own cloth bags to the greengrocer, your tuppers to the butcher or fishmonger, an egg carton to the poultry shop ... So they won't have to use their own containers (which are usually plastic). Don't waste water or electricity In general, do not waste, but we affect water and electricity because it is the most susceptible to waste. And it is very easy to leave the lights or electronic devices on without being in the room or using them, or not turning off the tap when we lather the dishes or wash. Who has not happened? This little oversight impacts the environment more than we think, so, you know. Stop wondering how to take care of the environment and start by turning off the tap and turning off the light. Use LED or energy saving bulbs All the bulbs that are manufactured in Spain since 2012 are low consumption. And it is that they are not only more respectful with the environment due to the energy savings derived from their use, but they also yield much more and the quality and intensity of the light is much higher. There are three types: LED, halogen and fluorescent; although the former are the longest lasting and the ones that consume the least electricity by far. Although they are a tad more expensive than conventional bulbs, they are worth buying because in addition to helping the environment you will be helping your pocket, you will see how the amount of the electricity bill is reduced! Avoid the car Walking is healthy for the body, mind, and the environment! The less we use the car, the less carbon footprint (greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere) we will be generating, so the pollution will be less and we will collaborate in the protection of the environment. We have to tell forever to the pollution berets that plague big cities, not only for preserving the ecosystem, but also for the health of our lungs. If you can't walk, always try to take public transport or carpool. Delete unnecessary emails from the inbox How? What will this have to do with it? Well, a lot! As surprising as it may sound, emails consume CO2 as sending and storing them requires energy to power data centers and the devices that process them. Let the role pass away And last but not least, say goodbye to paper or at least try to use it or make the most of it possible: print only when necessary and on both sides, reuse old invoices as scratch paper and swap the paper napkins for the ones made of cloth. These gestures, however simple and small they may be, have great power to change the world and make it a much better place. Do like us and join the environmental protection movement #PlanetFirst!
How to take care of the environment - Small actions that change everything
The Earth is our home and we have to take care of it and preserve it so that it continues to be so.This important task cannot be done only by a few, but we all have to collaborate and contribute our grain of sand as much as possible. And we say as much as possible because it is clear that not everyone can perform incredible actions that have an immediate and tremendous impact. But what we can do is commit ourselves to carrying out a series of small habits that, little by little, will end up changing the world. And it is already known, a small gesture does not do long, but many little ones become the engine of change and end up generating a great impact. At DIVAIN. We are part of this change and we want to encourage you to join us too, so today we present a series of keys so that you know how to take care of the environment in your day-to-day life. Recycle We couldn't start without naming the most basic and essential action of all: recycling. And we say that it is the most basic and essential because thanks to it we give a second life to the planet's resources, which are limited, no, very limited! There are no excuses not to recycle. There are more and more containers in cities and towns and we can all find a space at home to put two or three bags in which to throw the different waste. But ... are you sure how to separate them? In the striking yellow container you have to deposit all the plastic containers, the cans, the bricks, and the aluminum foil! This is one of the big flaws, since it is usually thrown in the organic container but it has to go in the plastic one. Of course, try not to contain food scraps. The green container in the shape of an igloo is intended for all types of glass containers. That is, it is in this where you will have to throw the bottles of your DIVAIN once the perfume is gone. In the blue container you have to deposit the paper and cardboard containers (such as the box in which we send your DIVAINs home and the one that carries the bottle itself). And finally, the dilemma of organic remains. Here we are presented with two cases. If in your place of residence you have brown containers, we say if you have because they are relatively new) in them you will have to deposit all the organic waste that can be used to make compost (remains of vegetables and fruits, cooked meat, fish and seafood, pasta and rice, egg shells, coffee and tea grounds, tea bags, bread, chopsticks, herbs and plants, used napkins and kitchen paper…); and in the green of all life, everything else. If not, all organic and inorganic waste has to go green. Goodbye plastic! Plastic is the number 1 enemy of biodiversity. It is one of the materials that takes the longest to degrade, so it accumulates, damaging the environment and the species that live in it. And we are not exaggerating one bit: a plastic bag takes 150 years to disappear and a bottle made of PET (the type of plastic most used to make packaging and textiles) can take up to a thousand years to degrade. Hence the importance of using as little plastic as possible, and, if we have to use it, recycle or reuse it. These are some ideas to reduce your plastic consumption: Use reusable bags and utensils Nothing to use single-use plastic cups and plates or of course bags (we have already seen how long they take to decompose). Whenever you go shopping, carry a cloth bag or a reusable one. The less demand for plastic bags there is, the less they will be manufactured, and therefore less danger to the environment. In addition, in recent years, the countries adhered to the International Environmental Treaties have established regulations and laws that regulate the use of plastic bags and supermarkets are obliged to collect them from their customers. Buy in bulk This is one of the simplest gestures but that most help to preserve the sustainability of the environment. Take your own cloth bags to the greengrocer, your tuppers to the butcher or fishmonger, an egg carton to the poultry shop ... So they won't have to use their own containers (which are usually plastic). Don't waste water or electricity In general, do not waste, but we affect water and electricity because it is the most susceptible to waste. And it is very easy to leave the lights or electronic devices on without being in the room or using them, or not turning off the tap when we lather the dishes or wash. Who has not happened? This little oversight impacts the environment more than we think, so, you know. Stop wondering how to take care of the environment and start by turning off the tap and turning off the light. Use LED or energy saving bulbs All the bulbs that are manufactured in Spain since 2012 are low consumption. And it is that they are not only more respectful with the environment due to the energy savings derived from their use, but they also yield much more and the quality and intensity of the light is much higher. There are three types: LED, halogen and fluorescent; although the former are the longest lasting and the ones that consume the least electricity by far. Although they are a tad more expensive than conventional bulbs, they are worth buying because in addition to helping the environment you will be helping your pocket, you will see how the amount of the electricity bill is reduced! Avoid the car Walking is healthy for the body, mind, and the environment! The less we use the car, the less carbon footprint (greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere) we will be generating, so the pollution will be less and we will collaborate in the protection of the environment. We have to tell forever to the pollution berets that plague big cities, not only for preserving the ecosystem, but also for the health of our lungs. If you can't walk, always try to take public transport or carpool. Delete unnecessary emails from the inbox How? What will this have to do with it? Well, a lot! As surprising as it may sound, emails consume CO2 as sending and storing them requires energy to power data centers and the devices that process them. Let the role pass away And last but not least, say goodbye to paper or at least try to use it or make the most of it possible: print only when necessary and on both sides, reuse old invoices as scratch paper and swap the paper napkins for the ones made of cloth. These gestures, however simple and small they may be, have great power to change the world and make it a much better place. Do like us and join the environmental protection movement #PlanetFirst!
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Have your favorite jeans ripped or are they too old? Don't throw them away! At DIVAIN we bring you a lot of ideas so you can recycle and take advantage of them. Not only will you create original designs, you will also help promote responsible consumption and conservation of the environment by being part of the movement Planet First. If you are creative, you like crafts and do not want to say goodbye to your jeans, pay attention to these ideas on how to recycle old jeans step by step. How to recycle old jeans step by step The fabric of jeans is very versatile and when it comes to recycling your old jeans you can create a lot of things: cushions, rugs, bags, bracelets, etc ... Discover the ideas that we bring you and get inspired! Creativity has no limits! Toiletry bag or case That idea is perfect if your old jeans are baggy. To do this, you must trim the bottom of one of the pant legs. Sew or glue one of the sides to form what will be the bottom of the toiletry bag or case. For a more original and colorful touch, it is best to put several patches and decorative strips to cover the seams or any tears or holes that it may have. Finally, if you do not want the things inside to fall out or you are going to use it for your trips, it is best to add a zipper or button to the top so that it can be closed and opened when necessary. And ready! you will already have your country style case or toiletry bag to take everywhere made with recycled jeans. Cushion If you want to give your living room sofa a different touch, you can transform your jeans into very original cushions. If you want an elongated cushion, put the filling of the material you want inside one leg, which you must have previously cut. Then close both ends with a zipper or with a needle and thread. If you prefer a square cushion, cut out several pieces of fabric from your pants and tie them together. You can combine these fabrics with other colored and patterned fabrics to give it a more original touch. Organizer If your pants have at least four pockets or you want to recycle more than one old jean, you can get creative and make an organizer to store everything you want: makeup, work materials, the remote control, etc ... The first thing to do is cut all the pockets of your jeans. Then take a fabric, either from the jeans you want to reuse, or any other fabric with a nice design, and simply sew the pockets onto the fabric. Ah! and you can also use a pocket to sew it to that original cushion that you have made with the rest of the fabric. You will design the best place to store your remote control and never lose sight of it. Pencil-case This is one of the simplest crafts. Just take an empty canning tin and measure its height. Then cut a piece of fabric adapted to that measurement from the trouser leg and insert the can into the cut fabric. Add some trinkets and stickers to make it more fun and stick a decorative fabric on top so that the cut is not visible. Carpet for decoration Add a different touch to your home with a rug made from your old jeans. Ideally, you should have several jeans of different shades that you want to recycle. First cut out several rectangular pieces from the different pants (we recommend that they all have the same measurements) and join them together until the rug is the size you want. Creativity has no limits, so you can play to combine colors and other fabrics to give it a much more personalized and authentic touch. Shopping bag Create a shopping bag out of those jeans you no longer wear. It is the best alternative to plastic bags made with recycled materials. You can do it in a thousand ways, but if you want something easy, cut the bottom of each leg from the knee and then put the two pieces together and sew the bottom. To create the bag handles, trim the top of the pants, right where the belt goes. Cut the strip in two and sew the two handles on each side of the bag. Add some decoration or sticker and you will have your best ally to go shopping. Take a look at this article to do more recycled plastic crafts. Take care of the environment! Bracelet Finally, another idea that we propose to recycle the clothes that you no longer use, is to make a bracelet. Cut three or two strips of fabric from your old jeans and braid them. Glue or tie a knot at the end and at the beginning so that the braid does not unravel. Finally add a clasp to close it or simply tie the two ends once you have placed it on your wrist. As you can see, recycling your jeans is the easiest thing in the world. If you like crafts, sign up some of these ideas and let your imagination run wild!
7 ideas to recycle your old jeans give them a second life!
Have your favorite jeans ripped or are they too old? Don't throw them away! At DIVAIN we bring you a lot of ideas so you can recycle and take advantage of them. Not only will you create original designs, you will also help promote responsible consumption and conservation of the environment by being part of the movement Planet First. If you are creative, you like crafts and do not want to say goodbye to your jeans, pay attention to these ideas on how to recycle old jeans step by step. How to recycle old jeans step by step The fabric of jeans is very versatile and when it comes to recycling your old jeans you can create a lot of things: cushions, rugs, bags, bracelets, etc ... Discover the ideas that we bring you and get inspired! Creativity has no limits! Toiletry bag or case That idea is perfect if your old jeans are baggy. To do this, you must trim the bottom of one of the pant legs. Sew or glue one of the sides to form what will be the bottom of the toiletry bag or case. For a more original and colorful touch, it is best to put several patches and decorative strips to cover the seams or any tears or holes that it may have. Finally, if you do not want the things inside to fall out or you are going to use it for your trips, it is best to add a zipper or button to the top so that it can be closed and opened when necessary. And ready! you will already have your country style case or toiletry bag to take everywhere made with recycled jeans. Cushion If you want to give your living room sofa a different touch, you can transform your jeans into very original cushions. If you want an elongated cushion, put the filling of the material you want inside one leg, which you must have previously cut. Then close both ends with a zipper or with a needle and thread. If you prefer a square cushion, cut out several pieces of fabric from your pants and tie them together. You can combine these fabrics with other colored and patterned fabrics to give it a more original touch. Organizer If your pants have at least four pockets or you want to recycle more than one old jean, you can get creative and make an organizer to store everything you want: makeup, work materials, the remote control, etc ... The first thing to do is cut all the pockets of your jeans. Then take a fabric, either from the jeans you want to reuse, or any other fabric with a nice design, and simply sew the pockets onto the fabric. Ah! and you can also use a pocket to sew it to that original cushion that you have made with the rest of the fabric. You will design the best place to store your remote control and never lose sight of it. Pencil-case This is one of the simplest crafts. Just take an empty canning tin and measure its height. Then cut a piece of fabric adapted to that measurement from the trouser leg and insert the can into the cut fabric. Add some trinkets and stickers to make it more fun and stick a decorative fabric on top so that the cut is not visible. Carpet for decoration Add a different touch to your home with a rug made from your old jeans. Ideally, you should have several jeans of different shades that you want to recycle. First cut out several rectangular pieces from the different pants (we recommend that they all have the same measurements) and join them together until the rug is the size you want. Creativity has no limits, so you can play to combine colors and other fabrics to give it a much more personalized and authentic touch. Shopping bag Create a shopping bag out of those jeans you no longer wear. It is the best alternative to plastic bags made with recycled materials. You can do it in a thousand ways, but if you want something easy, cut the bottom of each leg from the knee and then put the two pieces together and sew the bottom. To create the bag handles, trim the top of the pants, right where the belt goes. Cut the strip in two and sew the two handles on each side of the bag. Add some decoration or sticker and you will have your best ally to go shopping. Take a look at this article to do more recycled plastic crafts. Take care of the environment! Bracelet Finally, another idea that we propose to recycle the clothes that you no longer use, is to make a bracelet. Cut three or two strips of fabric from your old jeans and braid them. Glue or tie a knot at the end and at the beginning so that the braid does not unravel. Finally add a clasp to close it or simply tie the two ends once you have placed it on your wrist. As you can see, recycling your jeans is the easiest thing in the world. If you like crafts, sign up some of these ideas and let your imagination run wild!
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Would you like to make a fun, original gift that also helps the environment? Recycled materials are the perfect opportunity to give free rein to your imagination and create lots of toys. Cardboard boxes, plastic caps, straws, cork, anything you can find around the house can be used to get creative and make personalized, economical and fun toys for children. Also, by doing this you will be instilling in your kids the importance of recycling and reusing. By the way! If you like crafts, we also have a fun post on how to recycle old jeans step by step. Ideas for original recycled toys for children If you also want to give a second life to waste and at the same time have fun designing and making crafts with the little ones at home, in this post we propose 7 ideas for making toys with recycled materials. Join Planet First! An airplane with toilet paper rolls The first thing you need to design a recycled airplane is a few rolls of toilet paper or kitchen towels that you have saved. Take two or four rolls, depending on the size, and open them in half to draw with a pencil two ovals (one should be twice as big as the other). Then take a paintbrush and tempera to paint the color of your choice on each of the ovals that you have cut out and that will form the wings of the plane. Next, take a roll of kitchen roll that is quite long and paint it (don't forget to add the windows). It's important that you cut four holes on each side with a cutter so you can fit the wings. Then get creative and fill it with colour, pretty designs and stickers to make it even prettier. Cardboard table football Another of the ideas that we propose in this post is to make a foosball table. This recycled toy is very simple, but very original and fun. All you need is a shoebox, some tweezers and some skewers or long sticks. Take the shoebox without the lid and make a couple of holes on each side to create the goals. Then make other small holes on each side to fit the toothpicks. As this is an ideal toy for two children, four long sticks, two for each child, will do the trick. Then turn the tongs into players, personalize them and put them on the sticks. And just like that, you'll have a table football made from recycled materials for the little ones at home. A bowling game If you are not very good at crafts, but you would like to make a toy from recycled material for children, we propose a bowling game. All you need to do is collect 6 or 9 actimel or smoothie bottles. Remove all the labels, paint and decorate each jar in a different colour. Then glue a ping pong ball to the top of each jar, which you should also have painted beforehand. Finally, get a ball and enjoy with your children! A domino with cardboard If you want to have a good time with your children and enjoy an afternoon full of fun, you can create a recycled board game as fun as dominoes, ideal for children between 6 and 12 years old. To do this, simply take a piece of cardboard, make the outline of each piece and then paint them with acrylic paint in black. Add the dots and lines of the pieces in white and your homemade dominoes are ready! A recycled toy car With a cardboard egg cup and four bottle caps you can design a fun toy car. The first thing to do is to take the egg cup and paint it. Depending on the size you want the car to be, you can cut it out or not. If you want a fire engine, for example, choose an egg cup of at least 8 pieces. And if you want a British bus, glue two egg cups, one on top of the other, to form the two floors of the bus ;) Then take as many polystyrene balls as passengers you want to have in your vehicle and bring them to life by decorating and painting them. Finally, take the four plastic bottle caps and glue them together to add the wheels to the car made from recycled material. Recycled puppet We think this is a great idea to give a second life to paper rolls and plastic caps. To create your own puppet, you will need to take a toilet paper roll and paint it in the colour of your choice. Then design on a piece of paper or cardboard the face of the character or the head of the animal you want to represent. Glue it to the top of the roll and you will have the body and head together. Then take four pieces of wool or string and glue them to the body to create the limbs. Don't forget to glue the bottle caps to the end of each limb. Finally, add four strings to each limb and tie them to two straws in the shape of an "X" to create the command to control the character. You're sure to have a great time making up stories - the kids will love it! Snakes with cork If you want to know how to make an original recycled toy, pay attention because you're going to love our last idea. Collect as many bottle corks as you can and when you have a few, cut them into three equal pieces each. Then, in each piece of cork, make a hole with an awl. Thread red wool through each of the holes, just as if you were making a necklace with beads, and add a knot at the beginning and at the end so that it doesn't come out. Don't forget the head. For this we recommend that you take a whole cork, put some eyes on it with marker or stickers and let the wool stick out a bit to imitate the snake's tongue. As you can see, there are a lot of ideas to make toys with recycled materials that besides being very economical, will help the environment. If you are a lover of crafts or you would like to have a good time with your children creating and imagining? What are you waiting for to choose one of these ideas?
How to make toys from recycled materials: 7 original ideas
Would you like to make a fun, original gift that also helps the environment? Recycled materials are the perfect opportunity to give free rein to your imagination and create lots of toys. Cardboard boxes, plastic caps, straws, cork, anything you can find around the house can be used to get creative and make personalized, economical and fun toys for children. Also, by doing this you will be instilling in your kids the importance of recycling and reusing. By the way! If you like crafts, we also have a fun post on how to recycle old jeans step by step. Ideas for original recycled toys for children If you also want to give a second life to waste and at the same time have fun designing and making crafts with the little ones at home, in this post we propose 7 ideas for making toys with recycled materials. Join Planet First! An airplane with toilet paper rolls The first thing you need to design a recycled airplane is a few rolls of toilet paper or kitchen towels that you have saved. Take two or four rolls, depending on the size, and open them in half to draw with a pencil two ovals (one should be twice as big as the other). Then take a paintbrush and tempera to paint the color of your choice on each of the ovals that you have cut out and that will form the wings of the plane. Next, take a roll of kitchen roll that is quite long and paint it (don't forget to add the windows). It's important that you cut four holes on each side with a cutter so you can fit the wings. Then get creative and fill it with colour, pretty designs and stickers to make it even prettier. Cardboard table football Another of the ideas that we propose in this post is to make a foosball table. This recycled toy is very simple, but very original and fun. All you need is a shoebox, some tweezers and some skewers or long sticks. Take the shoebox without the lid and make a couple of holes on each side to create the goals. Then make other small holes on each side to fit the toothpicks. As this is an ideal toy for two children, four long sticks, two for each child, will do the trick. Then turn the tongs into players, personalize them and put them on the sticks. And just like that, you'll have a table football made from recycled materials for the little ones at home. A bowling game If you are not very good at crafts, but you would like to make a toy from recycled material for children, we propose a bowling game. All you need to do is collect 6 or 9 actimel or smoothie bottles. Remove all the labels, paint and decorate each jar in a different colour. Then glue a ping pong ball to the top of each jar, which you should also have painted beforehand. Finally, get a ball and enjoy with your children! A domino with cardboard If you want to have a good time with your children and enjoy an afternoon full of fun, you can create a recycled board game as fun as dominoes, ideal for children between 6 and 12 years old. To do this, simply take a piece of cardboard, make the outline of each piece and then paint them with acrylic paint in black. Add the dots and lines of the pieces in white and your homemade dominoes are ready! A recycled toy car With a cardboard egg cup and four bottle caps you can design a fun toy car. The first thing to do is to take the egg cup and paint it. Depending on the size you want the car to be, you can cut it out or not. If you want a fire engine, for example, choose an egg cup of at least 8 pieces. And if you want a British bus, glue two egg cups, one on top of the other, to form the two floors of the bus ;) Then take as many polystyrene balls as passengers you want to have in your vehicle and bring them to life by decorating and painting them. Finally, take the four plastic bottle caps and glue them together to add the wheels to the car made from recycled material. Recycled puppet We think this is a great idea to give a second life to paper rolls and plastic caps. To create your own puppet, you will need to take a toilet paper roll and paint it in the colour of your choice. Then design on a piece of paper or cardboard the face of the character or the head of the animal you want to represent. Glue it to the top of the roll and you will have the body and head together. Then take four pieces of wool or string and glue them to the body to create the limbs. Don't forget to glue the bottle caps to the end of each limb. Finally, add four strings to each limb and tie them to two straws in the shape of an "X" to create the command to control the character. You're sure to have a great time making up stories - the kids will love it! Snakes with cork If you want to know how to make an original recycled toy, pay attention because you're going to love our last idea. Collect as many bottle corks as you can and when you have a few, cut them into three equal pieces each. Then, in each piece of cork, make a hole with an awl. Thread red wool through each of the holes, just as if you were making a necklace with beads, and add a knot at the beginning and at the end so that it doesn't come out. Don't forget the head. For this we recommend that you take a whole cork, put some eyes on it with marker or stickers and let the wool stick out a bit to imitate the snake's tongue. As you can see, there are a lot of ideas to make toys with recycled materials that besides being very economical, will help the environment. If you are a lover of crafts or you would like to have a good time with your children creating and imagining? What are you waiting for to choose one of these ideas?
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In order to DIVAIN Planet First. That is why we want to continue giving you ideas and advice on how to take care of the environment with small gestures. Today we enter the world of bulk shopping. If you want to be surprised, keep reading, because its amount of benefits (both for the environment and for our pockets) are incredible. Surely you are not expecting them! Advantages of buying in bulk You cut down on plastic packaging.Everyone knows what plastic damages the environment. Well ... did you know that 39.9% of the plastic that is generated in the world is destined to the manufacture of containers? If we buy in bulk with our own containers or reusable cloth bags, we will be helping to reduce the demand for plastic packaging. And in this life direct proportionality rules: the less demand for plastic packaging there is, the less plastic packaging will be manufactured. The result? A much happier and plastic-free world. You buy only what you need.This translates into two huge benefits, both for you and for the environment. In the first place, food waste is avoided, since the amount has been chosen by you and you will not have leftovers with which you do not know what to do and end up in poor condition. On the other hand, you choose the right amount, so if you need a small amount, you will pay the price for that small amount and not for the entire container, thus saving a few euros on each purchase (a great trick to save money on a daily basis) You support local business.Today more than ever it is vitally important that we support small businesses. And it is in these small shops where you can buy almost everything in bulk, not like in supermarkets, where 90% of what they sell is already packaged. Surely in your neighborhood you have a store where you can buy olives or nuts in bulk, while in supermarkets they are always packed in quantities of 100 or 150 grams. The products are more natural.As a general rule, the products we buy in bulk are 100% natural and ecological, so their quality is much higher. In addition, they usually come from small local farmers, so we kill two birds with one stone: we eat a healthier diet and help the development of our environment. Possibility of having a much more varied diet.Has it ever happened to you wanting to try a new food but not because it came in a very large container and you were sorry that you did not like it and wasted it? Well that's done with buying in bulk! You can get a small amount of the food you want to try and see if you like it or not without wasting anything, so your food horizons will expand and you will eat a much more varied diet. Sounds good right? What kinds of products can be purchased in bulk? Many more than you imagine! Here are some of the most common and easy to get, so that little by little you can introduce this habit of consumption into your routine: Buy legumes in bulk, is one of the best options to enter the world of bulk purchases, since it is a non-perishable product and easy to store. In any neighborhood greengrocer you can buy legumes this way. Take a rigid cloth bag with you so that it supports the weight of what you buy well and does not break. Buy tea or infusions in bulk It is another great way to reduce plastic consumption, since almost all infusions come in plastic bags or containers. Take an airtight jar that you have at home and go to an herbalist. Buying nuts in bulk it's good, not only for the environment, but also for your pocket! These products tend to have a high price, and when they are bought in small quantities more, so the more quantity you buy, the better it will be for you. Where to buy in bulk? Now that you have seen the advantages of buying in bulk, surely you have entered (or so we hope), the bug of doing this type of consumption. Now, surely you are wondering ... where can I do it? You have two options, either buy in bulk online, or do it in small proximity stores. Buying in bulk in local stores has great advantages since, by seeing the product live and direct, you will be able to better calculate the quantities you need to buy and see its quality. You will also discover the charm of the small business, in which the treatment is super close and familiar, something that from DIVAIN we consider essential and that is why we have made it the main pillar of our Customer Support. Buy in bulk online Not having time to stroll through different physical stores is no excuse for not buying in bulk. And it is that (of course) the great Internet also offers us that possibility. This form of consumption is ideal for obtaining large quantities of imperishable products and for those that are difficult to transport. An example of this type of product is oil or wine. Imagine the amount of glass and plastic containers we will be saving if instead of buying bottles from liter to liter, we do it in much larger containers, 15 or 20 liters. In addition, it is a very good way to directly support traditional wineries or oil mills that sell their product directly without going through intermediaries. You can also buy spices in bulk online, as they are a non-perishable product and can be purchased in large quantities. If you want to discover more actions that you can do to help the environment, you cannot miss our article on the small actions to take care of the environment that you can do on a day-to-day basis. Change is in everyone's hands and every little gesture counts!
Planet First: Buy in bulk
In order to DIVAIN Planet First. That is why we want to continue giving you ideas and advice on how to take care of the environment with small gestures. Today we enter the world of bulk shopping. If you want to be surprised, keep reading, because its amount of benefits (both for the environment and for our pockets) are incredible. Surely you are not expecting them! Advantages of buying in bulk You cut down on plastic packaging.Everyone knows what plastic damages the environment. Well ... did you know that 39.9% of the plastic that is generated in the world is destined to the manufacture of containers? If we buy in bulk with our own containers or reusable cloth bags, we will be helping to reduce the demand for plastic packaging. And in this life direct proportionality rules: the less demand for plastic packaging there is, the less plastic packaging will be manufactured. The result? A much happier and plastic-free world. You buy only what you need.This translates into two huge benefits, both for you and for the environment. In the first place, food waste is avoided, since the amount has been chosen by you and you will not have leftovers with which you do not know what to do and end up in poor condition. On the other hand, you choose the right amount, so if you need a small amount, you will pay the price for that small amount and not for the entire container, thus saving a few euros on each purchase (a great trick to save money on a daily basis) You support local business.Today more than ever it is vitally important that we support small businesses. And it is in these small shops where you can buy almost everything in bulk, not like in supermarkets, where 90% of what they sell is already packaged. Surely in your neighborhood you have a store where you can buy olives or nuts in bulk, while in supermarkets they are always packed in quantities of 100 or 150 grams. The products are more natural.As a general rule, the products we buy in bulk are 100% natural and ecological, so their quality is much higher. In addition, they usually come from small local farmers, so we kill two birds with one stone: we eat a healthier diet and help the development of our environment. Possibility of having a much more varied diet.Has it ever happened to you wanting to try a new food but not because it came in a very large container and you were sorry that you did not like it and wasted it? Well that's done with buying in bulk! You can get a small amount of the food you want to try and see if you like it or not without wasting anything, so your food horizons will expand and you will eat a much more varied diet. Sounds good right? What kinds of products can be purchased in bulk? Many more than you imagine! Here are some of the most common and easy to get, so that little by little you can introduce this habit of consumption into your routine: Buy legumes in bulk, is one of the best options to enter the world of bulk purchases, since it is a non-perishable product and easy to store. In any neighborhood greengrocer you can buy legumes this way. Take a rigid cloth bag with you so that it supports the weight of what you buy well and does not break. Buy tea or infusions in bulk It is another great way to reduce plastic consumption, since almost all infusions come in plastic bags or containers. Take an airtight jar that you have at home and go to an herbalist. Buying nuts in bulk it's good, not only for the environment, but also for your pocket! These products tend to have a high price, and when they are bought in small quantities more, so the more quantity you buy, the better it will be for you. Where to buy in bulk? Now that you have seen the advantages of buying in bulk, surely you have entered (or so we hope), the bug of doing this type of consumption. Now, surely you are wondering ... where can I do it? You have two options, either buy in bulk online, or do it in small proximity stores. Buying in bulk in local stores has great advantages since, by seeing the product live and direct, you will be able to better calculate the quantities you need to buy and see its quality. You will also discover the charm of the small business, in which the treatment is super close and familiar, something that from DIVAIN we consider essential and that is why we have made it the main pillar of our Customer Support. Buy in bulk online Not having time to stroll through different physical stores is no excuse for not buying in bulk. And it is that (of course) the great Internet also offers us that possibility. This form of consumption is ideal for obtaining large quantities of imperishable products and for those that are difficult to transport. An example of this type of product is oil or wine. Imagine the amount of glass and plastic containers we will be saving if instead of buying bottles from liter to liter, we do it in much larger containers, 15 or 20 liters. In addition, it is a very good way to directly support traditional wineries or oil mills that sell their product directly without going through intermediaries. You can also buy spices in bulk online, as they are a non-perishable product and can be purchased in large quantities. If you want to discover more actions that you can do to help the environment, you cannot miss our article on the small actions to take care of the environment that you can do on a day-to-day basis. Change is in everyone's hands and every little gesture counts!
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One of the big unavoidable expenses in a family's budget is undoubtedly the shopping basket. However, there are tricks to reduce this expense that you can apply in your day-to-day life and that will help you to save some money when you go shopping at the supermarket. It is not a question of buying less, but of being organised and knowing how to choose the right products. Here are some tips on how to save on your shopping and how to promote responsible consumption among your family members. Take note! How to save on the shopping basket According to studies by the OCU, a family spends on average between 400 and 500 euros per month on the shopping basket. This means that more than 5,000 euros a year of the family budget is spent on this. If you want to know how you can reduce this expenditure without sacrificing, pay attention to these savings tips we give you. And of course, don't forget to take a look at our post on how to save money at home every day. Define a purchasing budget One of the first things you should do to keep track of the money you spend on food is to set a budget, whether it is daily, weekly or monthly. This will make it much easier to know how much you spend on groceries and avoid wasting money on unnecessary products. Choosing the cheapest supermarket If you live in an area surrounded by several supermarkets, choose the one with the lowest prices. You can save up to €1000 a year if you make the right choice. You can also consider whether going to a supermarket further away might be more cost-effective than walking to the supermarket in your neighbourhood or residential area where prices are sky-high. There are also products that are cheaper in some supermarkets than in others. For example, you may find it better to buy cleaning products in a different supermarket to the one you usually go to for groceries. Plan the week's menus We recommend that on Sunday you plan all the week's meals in advance. This way you will know exactly what food or ingredients you will need so that you can buy the essentials. This way you will avoid having to throw food away because it has passed its use-by date and has not yet been consumed. Keep a shopping list with you at all times One of the reasons why we often buy more than we need is because we have not made a list. Plan your shopping beforehand and add to the list only those products that you consider necessary. To do this, check your pantry before going out and check what you have and what you need. And now, with new technologies, you will never forget it at home. There are mobile apps that will help you manage and plan your shopping list, which you can always carry with you. Opt for cheaper brands Another trick to save on groceries is that whenever you can, choose private label products at the best price. This will save you a lot of money every year. Assess which brand-name products are essential for you because of their quality or because you simply like them better, and for those for which the brand is not so important, choose the private label. And remember that "private label" does not have to be synonymous with poor quality. And if your supermarket doesn't have its own brand, you can always substitute the brand you usually buy for a cheaper one. The key is to try it out - important! To really know if one product is more expensive than another, you should look at the unit price. In the case of perfumes, for example, you can opt for equivalent fragrances. Don't forget that at DIVAIN you can find the best equivalence perfumes at the best price, you'll love them! Choose seasonal products Seasonal products, such as fruit and vegetables, have lower prices or are often on sale. For this reason, opting for this type of food when shopping at the supermarket will help you to spend less. In addition, they are high quality and very fresh products. Avoid ready-made products If time is not an issue when it comes to preparing your favourite recipes, then avoid buying ready-made products because they are usually more expensive. We are also talking about products such as tomato sauce, hummus or grated cheese. If you buy the ingredients separately and prepare your own sauce, it will be much cheaper. Bulk purchase The best way to fit the amount of product you need is to buy in bulk. Packs or packaged products are often more expensive and may not fit the quantity you are looking for and may end up being thrown away. Purchase by sections If you know your way around the supermarket like the back of your hand, it is best to organise your list by section. This will save you time and you won't be tempted to divert your attention with other products or unnecessary treats. And by the way, products such as sweets next to the checkouts are strategically placed to tempt you to impulse buy and add a couple of euros more to your basket. Hold back the temptation and avoid them at all costs. Take a basket or trolley of the size of your purchase If you take a trolley that is too big, when you have filled it with the products on the list, it will seem like something is missing and you may be tempted to keep filling it. Shop online Shopping online has many advantages. As well as not having to go to the supermarket in person, it also allows you to stick to your shopping list much better and avoid being tempted or wasting money on a whim. You will also find it much easier to compare the prices of various products and supermarkets to choose the ones that best suit your budget. Don't shop hungry One of the biggest enemies when it comes to saving money on groceries is hunger. Make sure you have eaten well before you go to the supermarket, otherwise it is easier to indulge yourself and buy unnecessary food. Loyalty Card If you always go to the same supermarket, get a loyalty or membership card. This is one of the best ways to save on your shopping and even benefit from other rewards such as free gifts or limited and exclusive offers.
13 tips to save money in the supermarket shopping cart
One of the big unavoidable expenses in a family's budget is undoubtedly the shopping basket. However, there are tricks to reduce this expense that you can apply in your day-to-day life and that will help you to save some money when you go shopping at the supermarket. It is not a question of buying less, but of being organised and knowing how to choose the right products. Here are some tips on how to save on your shopping and how to promote responsible consumption among your family members. Take note! How to save on the shopping basket According to studies by the OCU, a family spends on average between 400 and 500 euros per month on the shopping basket. This means that more than 5,000 euros a year of the family budget is spent on this. If you want to know how you can reduce this expenditure without sacrificing, pay attention to these savings tips we give you. And of course, don't forget to take a look at our post on how to save money at home every day. Define a purchasing budget One of the first things you should do to keep track of the money you spend on food is to set a budget, whether it is daily, weekly or monthly. This will make it much easier to know how much you spend on groceries and avoid wasting money on unnecessary products. Choosing the cheapest supermarket If you live in an area surrounded by several supermarkets, choose the one with the lowest prices. You can save up to €1000 a year if you make the right choice. You can also consider whether going to a supermarket further away might be more cost-effective than walking to the supermarket in your neighbourhood or residential area where prices are sky-high. There are also products that are cheaper in some supermarkets than in others. For example, you may find it better to buy cleaning products in a different supermarket to the one you usually go to for groceries. Plan the week's menus We recommend that on Sunday you plan all the week's meals in advance. This way you will know exactly what food or ingredients you will need so that you can buy the essentials. This way you will avoid having to throw food away because it has passed its use-by date and has not yet been consumed. Keep a shopping list with you at all times One of the reasons why we often buy more than we need is because we have not made a list. Plan your shopping beforehand and add to the list only those products that you consider necessary. To do this, check your pantry before going out and check what you have and what you need. And now, with new technologies, you will never forget it at home. There are mobile apps that will help you manage and plan your shopping list, which you can always carry with you. Opt for cheaper brands Another trick to save on groceries is that whenever you can, choose private label products at the best price. This will save you a lot of money every year. Assess which brand-name products are essential for you because of their quality or because you simply like them better, and for those for which the brand is not so important, choose the private label. And remember that "private label" does not have to be synonymous with poor quality. And if your supermarket doesn't have its own brand, you can always substitute the brand you usually buy for a cheaper one. The key is to try it out - important! To really know if one product is more expensive than another, you should look at the unit price. In the case of perfumes, for example, you can opt for equivalent fragrances. Don't forget that at DIVAIN you can find the best equivalence perfumes at the best price, you'll love them! Choose seasonal products Seasonal products, such as fruit and vegetables, have lower prices or are often on sale. For this reason, opting for this type of food when shopping at the supermarket will help you to spend less. In addition, they are high quality and very fresh products. Avoid ready-made products If time is not an issue when it comes to preparing your favourite recipes, then avoid buying ready-made products because they are usually more expensive. We are also talking about products such as tomato sauce, hummus or grated cheese. If you buy the ingredients separately and prepare your own sauce, it will be much cheaper. Bulk purchase The best way to fit the amount of product you need is to buy in bulk. Packs or packaged products are often more expensive and may not fit the quantity you are looking for and may end up being thrown away. Purchase by sections If you know your way around the supermarket like the back of your hand, it is best to organise your list by section. This will save you time and you won't be tempted to divert your attention with other products or unnecessary treats. And by the way, products such as sweets next to the checkouts are strategically placed to tempt you to impulse buy and add a couple of euros more to your basket. Hold back the temptation and avoid them at all costs. Take a basket or trolley of the size of your purchase If you take a trolley that is too big, when you have filled it with the products on the list, it will seem like something is missing and you may be tempted to keep filling it. Shop online Shopping online has many advantages. As well as not having to go to the supermarket in person, it also allows you to stick to your shopping list much better and avoid being tempted or wasting money on a whim. You will also find it much easier to compare the prices of various products and supermarkets to choose the ones that best suit your budget. Don't shop hungry One of the biggest enemies when it comes to saving money on groceries is hunger. Make sure you have eaten well before you go to the supermarket, otherwise it is easier to indulge yourself and buy unnecessary food. Loyalty Card If you always go to the same supermarket, get a loyalty or membership card. This is one of the best ways to save on your shopping and even benefit from other rewards such as free gifts or limited and exclusive offers.
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Besides doing small actions to take care of the environment in your day to day how to recycle or buy in bulk You can also give a second life to objects that would otherwise end up in the trash. Reuse is one of the keys to avoid the massive generation of waste and thus collaborate with the much-needed circular economy. Therefore, today we want to present you some ideas so that you can reuse the plastic utensils that you use in your day-to-day life. Do not miss any detail of these fun and original crafts with plastic, since you will love them and you will have a good time making them Guaranteed! Ah! And do not worry because they are super simple, you do not need to be a handyman to make them look spectacular. Crafts with plastic caps Trivet The plastic caps are perfect to make a fun and original placemat. To do this, you simply have to gather a few dozen (depending on the size you want your trivet to have, you will have to gather more or less, obviously) and glue the sides together with the help of transparent silicone or some special glue. It is a very versatile plastic craft since, depending on how you glue them, you can make round, square, elongated placemats ... endless possibilities! In addition, to give it a special touch you can paint them in colors. Flower-shaped Photo Holder / Card Holder You will love this option, because in addition to being beautiful, it is very versatile. It consists of joining five plugs with silicone forming the petals of a flower, stick one on top in the middle of the flower and join it with a wire (which you can glue from the back with silicone) to another plug that acts as a base, such as and as we show you in the photo. Paint them in the colors you want and with the help of a cutter, make a slit in the upper part of one of the petals, so that you can put the edge of a card or a photograph. It is perfect to decorate any room or to place on the tables of your celebrations, surprising your guests with a card with their name to indicate where they have to sit. Mirror With plastic caps, you can even make a mirror! Or rather decorate it, but with how beautiful it is, don't tell us that you don't want to do it. It is also very simple: buy a glass in a glass shop or reuse an old mirror that you have at home (this second option is the best so that it is a 100% ecofriendly craft) and glue the caps on the frame. Color them alternating two or three colors to make it much more beautiful. You had never imagined that plastic bottle caps could give so much play, right? Well now we are going to see what crafts you can make with plastic bottles. They have nothing to envy to those that we have already shown you! Crafts with large plastic bottles Vertical garden The result of this craft could not be more original. Place the bottle horizontally and cut a piece of plastic so that there is a hole in which dirt can get. Plant some seeds of your favorite plant and tie a wire or string at both ends so that you can hang it on the wall. To tie it, you can make a small incision on each side and pass the end of the rope inside. We recommend that you do it on an empty wall, because the more bottles you put in your vertical garden, the more spectacular it will be. Basket Order is vital to feel comfortable in our home, if not tell Marie Kondo! And one of the ways to get everything neat and clean is to place baskets on shelves and put all your things inside them. Thus, visually, there will not be so many utensils in sight and everything will be more orderly. You can make your own baskets with plastic bottles. To do this, you only have to cut the upper part of the carafe lower or higher depending on the depth you want your basket to have. Sand the edges so there are no blemishes, and now it's the fun part: decorating! We suggest that you make yourself with jute rope and wrap it around the carafe with the help of silicone. The effect is very minimalist but rustic and cozy, very much in line with current trends. Bowling This craft with small plastic bottles will love the little ones in the house (although not as much as these children's perfumes). It is also so easy that they can do it on their own without your help. You just have to fill old plastic bottles with sand, dirt or rice; close them and color and decorate them as you want (as always, this is the most fun part and where you can let your imagination run wild). Now you just have to put them in line, get a ball ... and play! You can also make crafts with plastic cups and plates as wall decorations or cupcake trays like the one shown in the photo. Cool right? If you are curious to know what actions we carry out in DIVAIN to take care of our planet, you can see them in the section of our website Planet First.
Planet First: Crafts with recycled plastic
Besides doing small actions to take care of the environment in your day to day how to recycle or buy in bulk You can also give a second life to objects that would otherwise end up in the trash. Reuse is one of the keys to avoid the massive generation of waste and thus collaborate with the much-needed circular economy. Therefore, today we want to present you some ideas so that you can reuse the plastic utensils that you use in your day-to-day life. Do not miss any detail of these fun and original crafts with plastic, since you will love them and you will have a good time making them Guaranteed! Ah! And do not worry because they are super simple, you do not need to be a handyman to make them look spectacular. Crafts with plastic caps Trivet The plastic caps are perfect to make a fun and original placemat. To do this, you simply have to gather a few dozen (depending on the size you want your trivet to have, you will have to gather more or less, obviously) and glue the sides together with the help of transparent silicone or some special glue. It is a very versatile plastic craft since, depending on how you glue them, you can make round, square, elongated placemats ... endless possibilities! In addition, to give it a special touch you can paint them in colors. Flower-shaped Photo Holder / Card Holder You will love this option, because in addition to being beautiful, it is very versatile. It consists of joining five plugs with silicone forming the petals of a flower, stick one on top in the middle of the flower and join it with a wire (which you can glue from the back with silicone) to another plug that acts as a base, such as and as we show you in the photo. Paint them in the colors you want and with the help of a cutter, make a slit in the upper part of one of the petals, so that you can put the edge of a card or a photograph. It is perfect to decorate any room or to place on the tables of your celebrations, surprising your guests with a card with their name to indicate where they have to sit. Mirror With plastic caps, you can even make a mirror! Or rather decorate it, but with how beautiful it is, don't tell us that you don't want to do it. It is also very simple: buy a glass in a glass shop or reuse an old mirror that you have at home (this second option is the best so that it is a 100% ecofriendly craft) and glue the caps on the frame. Color them alternating two or three colors to make it much more beautiful. You had never imagined that plastic bottle caps could give so much play, right? Well now we are going to see what crafts you can make with plastic bottles. They have nothing to envy to those that we have already shown you! Crafts with large plastic bottles Vertical garden The result of this craft could not be more original. Place the bottle horizontally and cut a piece of plastic so that there is a hole in which dirt can get. Plant some seeds of your favorite plant and tie a wire or string at both ends so that you can hang it on the wall. To tie it, you can make a small incision on each side and pass the end of the rope inside. We recommend that you do it on an empty wall, because the more bottles you put in your vertical garden, the more spectacular it will be. Basket Order is vital to feel comfortable in our home, if not tell Marie Kondo! And one of the ways to get everything neat and clean is to place baskets on shelves and put all your things inside them. Thus, visually, there will not be so many utensils in sight and everything will be more orderly. You can make your own baskets with plastic bottles. To do this, you only have to cut the upper part of the carafe lower or higher depending on the depth you want your basket to have. Sand the edges so there are no blemishes, and now it's the fun part: decorating! We suggest that you make yourself with jute rope and wrap it around the carafe with the help of silicone. The effect is very minimalist but rustic and cozy, very much in line with current trends. Bowling This craft with small plastic bottles will love the little ones in the house (although not as much as these children's perfumes). It is also so easy that they can do it on their own without your help. You just have to fill old plastic bottles with sand, dirt or rice; close them and color and decorate them as you want (as always, this is the most fun part and where you can let your imagination run wild). Now you just have to put them in line, get a ball ... and play! You can also make crafts with plastic cups and plates as wall decorations or cupcake trays like the one shown in the photo. Cool right? If you are curious to know what actions we carry out in DIVAIN to take care of our planet, you can see them in the section of our website Planet First.
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Plastic is part of our daily lives, present in almost everything we do. However, it is one of the most polluting materials and has a very harmful effect on the planet's fauna and flora due to its chemical composition and slow degradation process. In fact, it is the number one enemy of the seas and oceans. At DIVAIN we are committed to the environment and we are part of the Planet First movement. That's why we want to dedicate this blog post to tell you how to recycle plastic bags. We have some very original ideas that are very easy to do. Discover them! 7 ideas for recycling plastic bags Did you know that a plastic supermarket bag can take 150 years to degrade? That's a lot of time! We are sure that you have used your bags more than once to go shopping again. But there are many other uses for them that you may not know about, here are a few ideas to inspire you! ;) By the way! If you want to help the environment in other ways, take a look at these three articles from our blog - they might interest you! 7 ideas for recycling your old jeans How to recycle used cooking oil How to make a toy from recycled material Making a case for your glasses Cut out a rectangle that matches one of the corners of the bottom of the bag and is approximately the size of your glasses. Then glue or silicone the open side with glue or silicone. Next, make several holes at the top (this will be the hole through which the glasses will be inserted) and thread a string or a piece of wool through the holes, one on the inside and one on the outside. You will now have the closure of your case and it will be ready to take your glasses anywhere you go. For freezing food Plastic can be a good substitute for the foil or film we use to freeze meat and fish. Cut your bag into smaller pieces and you will have plenty of freezer bags to wrap your food in. Definitely an easy and simple way to help the environment. Plastic flowers Give your favourite corners of the house a cheerful and colourful touch with beautiful bouquets made from plastic flowers. There are lots of original ways to create your own recycled flowers. The internet is full of step-by-step tutorials on how to make them. It can be a great way to decorate your home or also a nice handmade gift for that special someone. For pets Another way to reduce your environmental impact is to use plastic bags to collect your pet's droppings. This will save you money on the purchase of these bags and you can give a new life to your supermarket bags. Bracelets and necklaces If you are a lover of jewellery and crafts, let your imagination run wild and use the plastic bags to make your own personalised bracelets and necklaces. Cut the bag into three strips and gather them all together at one end to start making a braid with them while, at the same time, you gradually insert the beads you like at the ends of each strip. When you have the size you want, tie a knot at each end and glue the hooks. This is a great idea to do with young children to have a good time with them and raise awareness of the importance of recycling. Making coasters If you are a creative person and you like crafts, you will surely be interested to know how you can create your most original coasters. Cut out several pieces of the plastic bag in a circular shape. Then take some kitchen paper and cut several pieces of the same size and shape as the plastic circles. Next, you will need to glue all the layers of plastic and kitchen paper together; to do this, use the iron at a low temperature to prevent the plastic from sticking to it. The more layers of paper and plastic you use, the thicker and stronger your coasters will be. Also, if you use coloured or patterned bags, you will give them a unique and fun touch. Original tablecloths Finally, another idea for recycling your plastic bags is to create your own tablecloths. To do this, take three bags of different colours and place them on top of each other. If you want to personalise them, you can cut small pieces from other bags, with geometric shapes or silhouettes of whatever you can think of and place them on the top layer. Then add a layer to the bottom layer of baking paper and another layer on top. Take the iron and at a lukewarm temperature, pass it over the top. Now you will have your most original tablecloths ready to place on your terrace or living room table.
How to recycle plastic bags: 7 very original and simple ideas
Plastic is part of our daily lives, present in almost everything we do. However, it is one of the most polluting materials and has a very harmful effect on the planet's fauna and flora due to its chemical composition and slow degradation process. In fact, it is the number one enemy of the seas and oceans. At DIVAIN we are committed to the environment and we are part of the Planet First movement. That's why we want to dedicate this blog post to tell you how to recycle plastic bags. We have some very original ideas that are very easy to do. Discover them! 7 ideas for recycling plastic bags Did you know that a plastic supermarket bag can take 150 years to degrade? That's a lot of time! We are sure that you have used your bags more than once to go shopping again. But there are many other uses for them that you may not know about, here are a few ideas to inspire you! ;) By the way! If you want to help the environment in other ways, take a look at these three articles from our blog - they might interest you! 7 ideas for recycling your old jeans How to recycle used cooking oil How to make a toy from recycled material Making a case for your glasses Cut out a rectangle that matches one of the corners of the bottom of the bag and is approximately the size of your glasses. Then glue or silicone the open side with glue or silicone. Next, make several holes at the top (this will be the hole through which the glasses will be inserted) and thread a string or a piece of wool through the holes, one on the inside and one on the outside. You will now have the closure of your case and it will be ready to take your glasses anywhere you go. For freezing food Plastic can be a good substitute for the foil or film we use to freeze meat and fish. Cut your bag into smaller pieces and you will have plenty of freezer bags to wrap your food in. Definitely an easy and simple way to help the environment. Plastic flowers Give your favourite corners of the house a cheerful and colourful touch with beautiful bouquets made from plastic flowers. There are lots of original ways to create your own recycled flowers. The internet is full of step-by-step tutorials on how to make them. It can be a great way to decorate your home or also a nice handmade gift for that special someone. For pets Another way to reduce your environmental impact is to use plastic bags to collect your pet's droppings. This will save you money on the purchase of these bags and you can give a new life to your supermarket bags. Bracelets and necklaces If you are a lover of jewellery and crafts, let your imagination run wild and use the plastic bags to make your own personalised bracelets and necklaces. Cut the bag into three strips and gather them all together at one end to start making a braid with them while, at the same time, you gradually insert the beads you like at the ends of each strip. When you have the size you want, tie a knot at each end and glue the hooks. This is a great idea to do with young children to have a good time with them and raise awareness of the importance of recycling. Making coasters If you are a creative person and you like crafts, you will surely be interested to know how you can create your most original coasters. Cut out several pieces of the plastic bag in a circular shape. Then take some kitchen paper and cut several pieces of the same size and shape as the plastic circles. Next, you will need to glue all the layers of plastic and kitchen paper together; to do this, use the iron at a low temperature to prevent the plastic from sticking to it. The more layers of paper and plastic you use, the thicker and stronger your coasters will be. Also, if you use coloured or patterned bags, you will give them a unique and fun touch. Original tablecloths Finally, another idea for recycling your plastic bags is to create your own tablecloths. To do this, take three bags of different colours and place them on top of each other. If you want to personalise them, you can cut small pieces from other bags, with geometric shapes or silhouettes of whatever you can think of and place them on the top layer. Then add a layer to the bottom layer of baking paper and another layer on top. Take the iron and at a lukewarm temperature, pass it over the top. Now you will have your most original tablecloths ready to place on your terrace or living room table.
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